Monitoring all the important things in life since 1971. detritus: def. Accumulated material or debris.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Must ... Resist ...

I am caving from the craving.

I've been good all day. I had my power bar on the way to work, I had my little healthy feast of yogurt and dried fruit mid-morning, and I had a nice lunch of chicken breast and salad.

But now is the time of temptation. I want a treat. I want a treat right now. I got a fever, and the only cure, is a treat.

I tried drinking water to stave off the need. The result? I sat, bladder engorged, more in need than ever.

I almost gave in, and walked down the hall, toonie in hand to partake in some kind of baked good from the caf upstairs. "No!" I said to myself, "don't do it, don't be weak, break the snack cycle."

So I walked on by, resolute in my determination, and made it to the person's desk I was supposed to visit. Only when I get there, she's got a box of doughnuts on her counter. Not little easily-justified Tim-bits either, a dozen real honest to goodness treasures (including one of those nice fluffy glazed ones, you know, the ones that look like monster-truck tires?). I must have looked pathetic inspecting the box, waiting in my passive-aggressiveness for her to offer me one. When she did I made a face like I'd been offered to sell my soul, and say (out loud this time), "No, I will stay strong."

So now I sit, un-treated, with an illusory hunger that won't be satisfied today.

At least I've got the drive home, with my apple. Joy abounds...