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Friday, March 11, 2005

... And We're Back

Due to popular demand, I have returned to the blogosphere.
We've got a lot of ground to cover people, so "buckle your seatbelts" for rapid fire comments on many subjects.

ITEM! Spike TV and WWE will be parting ways soon. I guess that Most Extreme Elimination Challenge - pro wrestling crossover is now just a pipe dream.

ITEM! The Vince-Vaughan-looking cocky dude from the Apprentice discovers he is not really "all that" after all. And kind of an ass. And got his punk card pulled by Tyler Stewart from BNL.
"Fluffers"? Really? Dude.
BELATED ITEM! Clowns + chewing tobacco = must-see television

ITEM! Amazing Race competitors accuse Robfather of cheating. And by cheating what they mean is, "why didn't I think of that"?
Bribing the porter at the station to keep quiet about the faster bus: 25$
Bribing the bus driver to keep the doors closed until he's gotten a good start 25$.
Bribing the tourist in episode 1 to help them through Peru: 25$
Passing by everyone else to finish at the 40 minute mark in the episode: priceless.
Hated him on Survivor, loving him here. When that guy said, "You're lucky no one can vote you out on this game" my comment was "Damn right!" A game where Rob doesn't have to worry about the interpersonal baggage makes him just about the most dangerous guy ever unleashed on this show. No jury, no politicking, just be there first. I now want an Amazing Race of nothing but Survivor alumni. Tina and Colby (AUS), Roger and Elizabeth (AUS), Brian and Clay (THAI), Richard Hatch (S1) and Brandon (AFR), and Jenna and Heidi (AMA) would all make great teams.

ITEM! Speaking of Survivor, best quote from last night is when "Boomhauer" James tries to rationalize being punked out by Coby in the pillow-fight sumo challenge. "I didn't expect to get beaten by a ho-mo-sextual, but that guy was strong. You know, those guys, they're always working out, and keeping themselves looking fit, it makes sense"
Let me reiterate from Apprentice comment: "those guys"? Really? Dude.

ITEM! My list of "fan-boy" movies is growing longer every week. Batman Begins, Watchmen, Hitchhikers Guide, and V for Vendetta. Not even counting the stuff that's still far away like Transformers, X-Men 3, and of course, Superman featuring Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Although, I am getting a little less inspired the more I see of the Fantastic Four flick. This new fad will undoubtedly implode as bad as the dot-com boom, for now, Nerd Nirvana awaits...

Please to be discussing!